The first legislation on urban planning in Syria was issued during the French occupation on 22 January 1933. It remained in force until it was repealed by Law No. 9…
Violations of HLP rights
Legal reports
Press releases & statements
Call for a localized and conflict sensitive earthquake response across Syria
The devastating 6 February 2023 earthquake and subsequent aftershocks in Syria and Türkiye have created a disaster on a massive scale, deepening preexisting humanitarian and protection risks resulting from the…
Ninar Khalifa It is just hard for the Christians of Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor to escape the harsh memories or get past the years of terror they spent under the…
Investigative Reports
Afrin/Jindires: Ihsan Relief and Development Cuts Down Hundreds of Trees to Build an Illegal Village
1. Executive Summary In this report, “Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ)” reveals the complicity of three humanitarian organizations, Syrian and international, in the illegal resettlement of fighters of the…
Press releases & statements
Housing, Land, and Property Violations in Northern Syria from Victims’ Perspectives
On 05 May 2022, Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ) and civil society partners held a side event for Brussels Conference VI. Victims and representatives of Syrian organizations working to…
In 2011, sweeping anti-government protests empowered the Syrian people to push boundaries and begin conversations about freedom in Syria. These conversations triggered Syrians to question the various policies, laws, and…
The ongoing conflict in Syria has forced Syrians to start thinking about legal terms they once rarely discussed. Some of these terms are related to criminal issues and crimes perpetrated…
Human Rights Journalism
Syria: Qaboun and Harasta Zoning Decree No. 237 Hails New Series of Property Confiscations near Damascus
On 14 September 2021, the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued Decree No. 237 which created new “zoning” restrictions in the areas at the northern entrance of Damascus, including Qaboun and…
Executive Summary Turkey is attempting to boost its military presence in Idlib province, particularly after the failure of the 2017 Astana de-escalation agreement in Northwestern Syria. As a guarantor state…