This open letter has been prepared in a coordinated effort by the below-signed civil society and non-governmental organizations with the aim of calling on UNHCR to increase cooperation and transparency…
Press releases & statements
NGOs call on the Human Rights Council to ensure the voluntary, safe, and dignified return of Syrian refugees
Eleven years have passed since the popular uprisings began in Syria while the Syrian refugee and displacement crisis remains the largest in the world. There are currently 6.8 million Syrians…
As an organization committed to documenting human rights violations, and Syrians who are too familiar with indiscriminate shelling, occupation, and forced displacement, the team at Syrians for Truth and Justice…
Editor’s PicksInvestigative Reports
Turkey Continues to Forcibly Return Refugees, Ignoring International Warnings that Syria is Still Unsafe
Executive Summary “Fourteen days into detention, they started to take groups of five young men out of prison every day. We did not know what happened to them. On my…
Press releases & statements
Press Release: Protecting refugees is a legal obligation, as well as a moral and humanitarian obligation.
Turkish authorities had already departed several Syrian refugees to northern and Northwestern Syria, citing a lack of authorised residence papers or violating Turkish regulations and laws. After that, however, the…
Press releases & statements
STJ Calls on European States and Bodies to Act on the Outcomes of the 10th Anniversary of the Syrian Uprising
Weeks have passed since the 10-year anniversary of the Syrian uprising. During that time, we saw a few notable events which brought governments, organizations, and individuals around the globe together…
Press releases & statements
Syrian organisations demand the UNHCR to legally protect refugees in Lebanon
The signatory organizations below urgently request the action of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Lebanon to develop a practical plan to provide refugees with legal protection and…