Executive Summary In this report, Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ) and Lêlûn Association for Victims in Afrin reveal illegal logging operations in 114 forest sites in Syria’s Kurdish-majority region…
Investigative ReportsEditor’s Picks
1. Introduction The assassination of the media activist Muhammad Abdul Latif, locally known as Muhammad Abu Ghannoum, and his pregnant wife in al-Bab city on 7 October 2022 caused a…
1. Introduction A few days before the end of the last year, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. 25 of 2022 amending the salaries of the Internal Security…
Press releases & statements
STJ, a Principal Reliable Source for the U.S. Reports on Human Rights Practices in Syria
On 20 March 2022, the Bureau of Democracy Human Rights and Labor of the United States Department of State released the annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, which includes…
Press releases & statements
Call for a localized and conflict sensitive earthquake response across Syria
The devastating 6 February 2023 earthquake and subsequent aftershocks in Syria and Türkiye have created a disaster on a massive scale, deepening preexisting humanitarian and protection risks resulting from the…
Editor’s PicksLegal reportsSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
Syrian Voices for an Inclusive Constitution
Project Summary Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ), along with other non-governmental actors, advocates for creating a Syrian constitution through an inclusive process of national consensus which includes the voices…
Human Rights JournalismEditor’s Picks
Afrin: A Kuwaiti Funded School Built on the Ruins of the Yazidi Cultural Union
On 29 June 2020, Afrin’s local council, operating under the Syrian Interim Government, announced it was laying the foundation stones for a new school on the ruins of the Yazidi…
Investigative ReportsEditor’s Picks
How Can Folk Cultures Contribute Towards the Vision of a Pluralistic Syria?
Introduction In mid-2021, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched Tanaghum Project in Syria’s Latakia province. The project aimed at supporting peace and community cohesion through music. In the context…
On 23 January 2022, the Syrian Ministry of Justice, issued Circular No. 3 on cybercrime, signed by the justice minister and Judge Ahmed al-Sayyed. The circular declared the criminal court…