An IED and a car bomb blasts occurred simultaneously on June 21, 2018, near the Carlton Hotel in Idlib city[1], targeting one of the Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham/HTS[2] headquarters, which…
Human Rights Journalism
Idlib: 14 Civilians Arrested and another Executed by Regime Forces in the East
by wael.mLocal sources assured STJ that 14 civilians were arrested and 1 executed by the Syrian regular forces during May and June 2018, near Tell Sultan crossing east of Idlib Governorate,…
Human Rights Journalism
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Execute Two Persons and Arrest Others in Dana City- Idlib
by wael.mIn May and early June 2018, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham[1] (HTS) executed two persons and arrested others in Dana city located in Idlib, on charges of links to the Islamic State…
Human Rights Journalism
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Release the Third Activist of Madaya Activists
by wael.mHayat Tahrir al-Sham[1] (HTS) released the third activist of Madaya Activists who had been arrested earlier for unknown reasons in Idlib city on December 9, 2017, whereas fate of the…
Investigative Reports
Two Women and Two Kids Killed and Up To 50 Injured in a Car Bomb-Idlib City
by wael.mIntroduction: At least four persons killed and up to 50 injured, including women and children, after a huge explosion that shook al-Thelatheen Street in Idlib city[1]– the province center- on 26…
Human Rights Journalism
Unidentified Gunmen Assassinate Several Civil Defense Members in Tal Hadya, Aleppo Countryside
by wael.mOn May 26, 2018, an unidentified armed group carried out extrajudicial execution against several members of the Syrian Civil Defense (the White Helmets) at their center in Tal Hadya Town,…
Human Rights Journalism
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Decrees Some Laws and Restricts Personal Freedom- Idlib City
by wael.mMay 31, 2018, the so-called Sawa'id al-Khair /Goodwill Corps[1] affiliated to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)[2] decreed a series of laws that significantly restrict the personal freedom of civilians in Idlib…
Introduction: Up to 14 persons and more than 30 were injured due to an explosion of a car bomb in the middle of Idlib city[1]– center of the province- on May…
Investigative Reports
Shelling a Shelter in Maar Zita Kills Nine Civilians, Including Children and Women
by wael.mIntroduction: The Syrian regular forces and their allies have continued their military escalation on Idlib province during May 2018. Nine civilians from one family were killed following shelling a shelter in…