1. Background: This paper addresses one of the most important social systems in many countries. A system that aims to achieve equality between members of society, preserve their access to…
Syria’s Constitutional Process
STJ ProjectsBridging the Gap between Syrians and the Constitutional CommitteeEditor’s PicksSyria's Constitutional Process
Editor’s PicksLegal reportsSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
Syrian Voices for an Inclusive Constitution
Project Summary Syrians for Truth and Justice (STJ), along with other non-governmental actors, advocates for creating a Syrian constitution through an inclusive process of national consensus which includes the voices…
Editor’s PicksInvestigative ReportsSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
Governance and Judicial Systems in the Syrian Constitution
Syrians for Truth and Justice, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, organized consultations and documented the perspectives of over 80 Syrian civil society representatives, activists, and civilians…
Investigative ReportsEditor’s PicksSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
Transitional Justice and the Constitution Process in Syria
Syrians for Truth and Justice, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, organized consultations and documented the perspectives of over 80 Syrian civil society representatives, activists, and civilians…
Editor’s PicksLegal reportsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
“Syria’s Diversity Must be Defended and Supported by Law”
Syrians for Truth and Justice, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, organized consultations and documented the perspectives of over 80 Syrian civil society representatives, activists, and civilians…
Investigative ReportsEditor’s PicksSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
The Formation and Responsibilities of the Syrian Constitutional Committee
A constitution lies at the foundation of a country’s political system, outlines the principles and values which regulate its society, defines the powers and limits of the ruling authority, establishes…