Since 2017, Brussels has hosted the annual Brussels Conference which raises funds and coordinates them to support humanitarian operations in Syria and the region to help alleviate the ongoing crisis.…
United Nations
Press releases & statementsEditor’s Picks
Human Rights JournalismEditor’s Picks
Syria: Has the Recruitment of Syrian Fighters Towards Ukraine Begun?
With the start of the Russian invasion into Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the Syrian mainstream witnessed a split of opinion: some advocated the Russian military operations, others decried the…
Socio-Ecological Justice and the Syrian Constitution
Syrians for Truth and Justice, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, organized consultations and documented the perspectives of over 80 Syrian civil society representatives, activists, and civilians…
Investigative ReportsEditor’s Picks
Laws Barring People from Returning Home Disguised as Source Water Protection
Executive Summary Five years ago, the forces of the Syrian government (SG) launched a large-scale military operation into three key areas in Wadi Barada (Barada Valley) in the suburbs of…
Press releases & statementsEditor’s Picks
130 Syrian Organizations Demand the International Community Start Holding ISIS Members Accountable in Syria
On 20 January 2022, ISIS attacked Al-Sina’a prison in Ghuwayran area of Al-Hasakah city, where more than 5,000 ISIS members and leaders are being detained. The attack spread fear among…
Press releases & statementsInvestigative Reports
Recommendations for the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review of Syria
Every five years, the United Nations reviews the human rights situation of its 193 member states through a process called The Universal Periodic Review (UPR). This year, seven organizations submitted…
Editor’s PicksInvestigative ReportsSTJ ProjectsSyria's Constitutional ProcessSYRIAN VOICES FOR AN INCLUSIVE CONSTITUTION
Governance and Judicial Systems in the Syrian Constitution
Syrians for Truth and Justice, with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, organized consultations and documented the perspectives of over 80 Syrian civil society representatives, activists, and civilians…
On the 2 and 3 of December 2021, Syrians for Truth and Justice presented a statement at the UN Forum on Minority Issues on the current issues facing Syrian minorities.…
Press releases & statements
A Complaint to Three UN Special Rapporteurs Addressing the Destruction of Graves and Cemeteries by Various Parties to the Syrian Conflict
Over the last few years, parties in the Syrian conflict vandalized and destroyed several cemeteries, historic sites, and religious objects. In some cases, actors carried out the violence for revenge.…